With the start of August came a torrent of spur of the moment decisions that propelled us from our August 4th demolition start date and left us with nothing to demolish today when the God of all dumpsters is delivered to the Estate.
This particular post has the dual purpose of attempting to catch everyone up with the events of the last week as well as serve as a grand excuse for my severe procrastination in updating this "Near-Daily Blog".
But first things first... The coolest find in all of time. Serious.
(WARNING: The following image may cause blindness by awesome.)
Artifact of Note #07302010-001
Be Jealous... be VERY jealous.
In the event that your mind cannot process the pure awesome that this find is, or if you do not wish to risk permanent retinal damage; I will plainly state what everyone else has just torn out their eyeballs over.
Star Wars Candy Molds.
Which I venture to say might be more awesome then this:
I repeat, MIGHT be... I can't decide if getting fat off Darth Chocolates is better then our personal LORD and savior reminding us that having the hots for teacher is BAD. Plus, can you imagine using his forehead to erase the clothing off of the Victoria Secret models in the magazines?
But I digress...
Approximately 7 days ago I finished disassembling the final corner desk in the front room and sold it to Sir David Andrew of Sandwichshire so that his room chi could flow better.
Which I would proudly have to say is a resounding success thank you very much!
I also finally moved the Super-Massive non-flat screen TV from it's resting place. I was afraid of the things I might find hiding underneath, but all in all it was pretty much just your typical trash.
You know... Crayon Art, Junk Mail, Bottle Caps, Fingers, etc...
I would show you after pictures of the front room and the living room with the TV removed but the changes that have occurred over the last 7 days have been much more drastic.
oooh, suspense! p_O
(Well okay, for our generation of instant gratification.... voila!)
Did you just crap your pants?
Good... because that's totally the house across the street.
It just occurred to me how late it is, so sadly... I must stop writing.
I fully intend to continue this update tomorrow.
Until then, here's a teaser!
Tomorrow.. PART II !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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