Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Artifacts of Note II

While I waited for Reardon and Janelle to arrive after R&J rehearsals to begin the Bug Bombing prep. I busied myself by cleaning up the blue tortilla shrine set up by my niece for the ants that live under the house.

When Reardon and Janelle showed up we set to work on taping plastic over the air vent and the edges of the garage door. Sadly we ran out of tape before we could finish fully sealing the garage, but hopefully it will be sufficient.

Before we set off the bomb we set about the Estate to see if we could find anymore Artifacts, and we ended up finding two perfectly entertaining specimens.

Artifact of Note #07202010-003

The text at the bottom reads, "Add hot water and it will grow into a dinosaur sponge 500% the oringal size!"

Artifact of Note #07202010-004

I am entertained.

"Cut the clutter, speed your cleaning, and calm the chaos"

Let the bombing commence!

I look forward to examining the battlefield tomorrow...

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