Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Artifacts of Note.

Today as been quite eventful... The garage is in the process of being cleaned and tonight it will be bug bombed. While Reardon and I tore up cardboard boxes in the Garage we discovered:

Artifact of Note #07202010-001:

After Reardon left to R&J rehearsals I also discovered this:

Artifact of Note #07202010-002:

I am at a loss to explain what this might be.. Obviously it is a trail of ants leading to some kind of nurturing food source. But is it some sort of place of worship for these creatures? Will I be burdened by the wrath of their God if I destroy it? These are questions left unanswered... but I am currently in the process of finding out how or why this object of ant-desire came to exist in the closet of what was once my niece's room. I have my theories, but I will wait to see if an answer comes to light.

Now to return to the Estate and prepare the Garage for the mass insecta-cide that will occur tonight. May it be forever known as "vergiftete Insektnacht".

UPDATE: After some sleuthing it was discovered that my niece decided to leave a present of crushed blue tortilla chips in the closet. Awesome.

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