Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The morning after the bomb.

I left early this morning to head over to the Estate and see if the tape held up to the massive winds that blew over the city last night. I had anticipated that I might have to drive down the street to retrieve the plastic sheets from my neighbor's yards, but when I arrived all but the poorly taped sheet withheld the night winds. I only wish I had the foresight to have bought more then one role of tape.

I quickly dispatched of the plastic and opened the garage to survey the death scene. I was actually quite disappointed to not find the ground littered with spider corpses. I did sadly find several dead pillbugs, which is the nature of collateral damage.

BUT! my disappointment was laid to rest upon finding this!

The mother of all black widows! This is the one I had attempted to catch alive while helping my sister-in-law move out of the house... it was a little creepy because she was still twitching when I bottled her up.

Here is a picture of her when she was a little more active:

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